Utilising the rules of the game effectively is a vital way for you to protect the people you care about.
We are a local family team living on the Island full time for over 25 years.
Paul St. John Martin is the qualified legal professional with his wife Sue, and daughter Claire undertaking the support and administration along with Assured.
We offer the benefit of free initial home visits to ensure you understand and are comfortable and happy to tick all the appropriate boxes
that are important to you.
Let’s discuss the key issues for you, potentially:
• Lasting Powers of Attorney (see what the money expert Martin Lewis has to say on the matter)
• Correctly written Wills
• Advanced Decisions (living Wills)
• Protecting your property
• Various Trusts
• And many other key issues for you
Give us a call on 01983 301137 to make a daytime appointment for a free discussion in the comfort of your own home, so you can decide what is best for you.